Wood Shingle Roofing vs. Cedar Shake: Pros And Cons

jeremy parker • Mar 22, 2024
Wood Shingle Roofing vs. Cedar Shake

When it comes to roofing materials, the debate between wood shingles and cedar shakes is a common one. Both options offer a timeless aesthetic appeal that can enhance the charm of any home. However, the decision between the two often boils down to a consideration of their respective pros and cons. Wood shingles, typically made from cedar, are known for their uniformity and sleek appearance. 

On the other hand, cedar shakes boast a more rustic look, with their uneven edges and natural texture. But beyond aesthetics, there are practical factors to weigh, such as durability, maintenance requirements, and environmental impact. Let's delve deeper into the pros and cons of each roofing option to help you make an informed decision for your home.


When it comes to appearance, wood shingle roofing exudes traditional charm with its uniformity and sleek lines. The symmetrical arrangement of cedar shingles creates a classic and sophisticated look that complements a variety of architectural styles, from colonial to Cape Cod. In contrast, cedar shakes offer a more rustic appeal with their irregular edges and natural texture. 

The uneven surface of cedar shakes adds character and depth to the roof, giving it a warm and inviting aesthetic reminiscent of countryside cottages or mountain lodges. Ultimately, the choice between traditional charm and rustic appeal depends on the homeowner's preference and the overall style of the home.

Material Composition

Cedar shingles and cedar shakes may sound similar, but they differ in their manufacturing process and appearance. Cedar shingles are machine-cut from cedar blocks, resulting in smooth and uniform pieces with clean edges. These shingles are typically thinner and more consistent in thickness compared to cedar shakes. On the other hand, cedar shakes are hand-split or sawn from cedar logs, resulting in thicker pieces with irregular edges and a rougher texture. 

This natural variation in thickness and texture gives cedar shakes their distinct rustic appearance. Both cedar shingles and shakes are made from the same durable wood, offering excellent resistance to rot, decay, and insect damage, but their manufacturing process gives them distinct visual characteristics.


When it comes to durability, both wood shingle roofing and cedar shake roofing are renowned for their longevity and resistance to weathering. Cedar is naturally resistant to rot, decay, and insect infestation, making it an ideal choice for roofing material. Properly installed and maintained, cedar shingles and shakes can last for decades, with some roofs lasting over 50 years or more. 

Additionally, cedar contains natural oils that help protect it from moisture damage and UV radiation, further enhancing its durability. However, it's essential to note that the durability of wood roofing depends on proper installation, regular maintenance, and environmental factors such as climate and exposure to sunlight. While both cedar shingles and shakes offer excellent durability, shakes tend to be slightly thicker and may provide enhanced resistance to impact damage and severe weather conditions.

Maintenance Requirements

Ensuring the longevity and performance of your roof requires regular upkeep and care. Here's what you need to keep in mind:

  • Clearing debris: Regularly remove leaves, branches, and other debris that can accumulate on your roof, as they can trap moisture and promote decay.
  • Cleaning: Periodically clean your roof to remove dirt, algae, and moss, which can deteriorate the roofing materials over time.
  • Inspections: Conduct routine inspections to identify any signs of damage or wear, such as cracked or warped shingles, loose fasteners, or missing pieces.
  • Treatment: Treat your roof with a preservative or wood sealant to protect it from moisture, mold, and mildew.
  • Professional maintenance: Consider scheduling regular maintenance checks with a professional roofing contractor to address any issues promptly and ensure your roof remains in optimal condition.

Cost Considerations

When comparing wood shingle roofing and cedar shake roofing, cost is a significant factor that homeowners must consider. The initial investment for wood roofing materials, including cedar shingles and shakes, tends to be higher than alternatives such as asphalt shingles or metal roofing. This higher upfront cost is due to the premium quality of cedar wood, as well as the craftsmanship involved in manufacturing and installing wood roofing products.

However, it's essential to look beyond the initial expense and consider the long-term value of wood roofing. While cedar shingles and shakes may require higher upfront costs, they offer excellent durability and longevity, potentially reducing the need for frequent replacements or repairs over time. Additionally, the timeless aesthetic appeal of wood roofing can enhance the overall curb appeal and resale value of the home, further justifying the initial investment for many homeowners.

Environmental Impact

Our team at Avalon Roofing Services is committed to minimizing our environmental footprint while providing top-notch roofing solutions. Here's how we prioritize environmental impact:

  • Sustainable Materials: We source eco-friendly materials whenever possible, opting for sustainable options like cedar shakes or shingles that are harvested responsibly from managed forests.
  • Recycling Initiatives: We implement recycling programs to minimize waste generated during roofing projects, ensuring that materials like old shingles or packaging are recycled properly.
  • Energy Efficiency: Our roofing solutions are designed to enhance the energy efficiency of your home, helping to reduce overall energy consumption and lower carbon emissions.
  • Green Practices: We employ environmentally friendly practices throughout our operations, from using low-VOC (volatile organic compound) sealants and coatings to minimizing fuel consumption during transportation.
  • Community Engagement: We actively engage with our community to promote environmental awareness and support initiatives that aim to protect and preserve the natural world for future generations.

Installation Complexity

Installation complexity is a crucial aspect to consider when choosing roofing materials for your home. Here's why Avalon Roofing Services stands out:

  • Experienced Professionals: Our team comprises highly skilled and trained professionals who specialize in installing various roofing materials, ensuring precision and efficiency.
  • Advanced Techniques: We utilize advanced installation techniques and equipment to streamline the process and minimize disruptions to your daily life.
  • Attention to Detail: We pay meticulous attention to every detail during the installation process, from proper flashing and underlayment to ensuring adequate ventilation, to ensure a long-lasting and durable roof.
  • Customized Solutions: We understand that every home is unique, so we offer customized installation solutions tailored to your specific needs, preferences, and budget.
  • Timely Completion: With our efficient project management and workflow, we strive to complete installations in a timely manner without compromising on quality, so you can enjoy your new roof sooner.

Fire Resistance

Fire resistance is a crucial consideration for roofing materials, especially in areas prone to wildfires or where building codes require compliance with fire safety standards. While wood shingle roofing and cedar shake roofing are naturally resistant to fire due to the properties of cedar wood, they may not provide the same level of fire protection as other roofing materials like asphalt shingles or metal roofing. Cedar contains natural oils that can act as a barrier against flames, slowing the spread of fire and reducing the risk of ignition. 

Additionally, cedar shingles and shakes are often treated with fire-retardant chemicals or coatings to enhance their fire resistance and meet building code requirements. However, it's essential to note that no roofing material is entirely fireproof, and proper precautions should be taken to minimize the risk of fire damage, such as clearing debris from the roof and surrounding area and installing fire-resistant barriers and underlayment.

Insulation Properties

In addition to providing shelter from the elements, roofing materials play a crucial role in regulating indoor temperature and energy efficiency. Wood shingle roofing and cedar shake roofing offer excellent insulation properties, helping to keep homes cool in the summer and warm in the winter. Cedar wood naturally has thermal insulating qualities, preventing heat transfer and reducing energy consumption for heating and cooling. 

Additionally, the air pockets within wood shingles and shakes create a barrier against heat loss or gain, further enhancing their insulation capabilities. By installing wood roofing, homeowners can potentially reduce their reliance on heating and cooling systems, leading to lower energy bills and reduced carbon emissions. However, it's essential to ensure proper attic ventilation and insulation to maximize the energy-saving benefits of wood roofing and prevent moisture buildup and mold growth.

Architectural Compatibility

The suitability of wood shingle roofing and cedar shake roofing for different home styles and architectural designs is an important factor to consider when choosing a roofing material. Both cedar shingles and shakes complement a wide range of architectural styles, from traditional and historic homes.

Wood shingle and cedar shake roofing offer timeless appeal, with cedar shingles enhancing colonial, Victorian, or Cape Cod-style homes, and cedar shakes complementing rustic cabins, mountain retreats, or farmhouse-inspired dwellings. Yet, their versatility extends to contemporary and eclectic architectural designs, where they can be customized to suit any home's unique character. 

Whether prioritizing traditional charm, rustic allure, or architectural compatibility, these roofing options enhance beauty, durability, and home value. Personal preference, budget, and environmental factors guide the choice between the two. Consulting with roofing professionals ensures an informed decision, guaranteeing satisfaction and enjoyment for years to come.

Are you in need of reliable roofing services in Manteca? Look no further than Avalon Roofing Services! With over 30 years of experience serving the community, we pride ourselves on being one of the most established and trusted names in the industry. Accredited by the Better Business Bureau as an A+ roofing contractor, we prioritize quality, professionalism, and customer satisfaction above all else. 

We understand that your roof is not just an investment; it's your home and your family's safety at stake. Whether you need repairs, maintenance, or a complete roof replacement, our team of experts is here to help. Don't wait until the problem escalates—contact us today at contact@avalonroofing209.com or call our office number at (209) 380-1275. For after-hours emergencies, reach us at (209) 483-7593. Let Avalon Roofing Services protect what matters most to you.

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